
Contact: Debbie Dawson 022 027 14250



  • Monday:  9.30am-12.30pm
  • Wednesday:  7.00-9.00pm
  • Thursday:  9.30am-12.30pm

We meet each Monday at the Geraldine Vintage Machinery Hall, Talbot Street, Geraldine, from 10am–3pm. For more information contact Alison Hurley, 03 692 2777.


A group of Individual members meet each Thursday.

We meet every Thursday, 9.30 to 12.00 at the Anglican Church hall which can be accessed from either Commercial St or Motupipi St and we definitely welcome any new members or visitors to the area.

For further information contact Chris 0204 126 0191


Meets every 2nd and last Tuesday of the month
10am–2.30pm (day), 7pm–9 pm (night)
Bury St, A&P showgrounds, Gate 1, Woodworkers Building

Contact: The Secretary at


Group specialises in weaving as well as spinning, knitting, crochet, tapestry weaving, and felting. All things fibre related. Has a stash room available on meeting days for people to invest in their own stash requirements. This group also holds its own exhibition once every two years as well as an open day on the alternate year.

Please check their website for group meetings.



Gail Thompson 021 146 0176
Pauline Richmond (Treasurer) 027 472 9446


This group is hugely into spinning, knitting, weaving, crochet and felting. So many talented folks willing to share their knowledge with all and welcomes newcomers at any skill level. This group supports its members’ projects with show-and-tell at each meeting, and participates in groups and area projects.


Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 7–9pm


Meets last Monday evening of the month in members’ homes
Contact: Dawn Molloy, 027 483 3118


Day meetings: 10am–1pm, Omokoroa Settlers Hall, Omokoroa. 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday each month.

Night meetings: 7pm–9pm, St Paul’s Church Hall, Katikati. 2nd Tuesday each month.

For further information contact Frances Kelly 021 473 212


A very talented group of folk who participate in many national and area exhibitions, they support all fibre-focused crafts, including spinning, knitting, crochet, and weaving.


Meets on Wednesday mornings 9.30am–12pm, and 1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoons until about 3 pm.


Meets every Thursday, 10am-noon.

Contact Rosemary Burnby, 09 425 0504.


We meet every Tuesday 9am–12pm
Spinning 2nd and 4th Saturday’s of the month

Weaving group 2nd Wednesday in the month, 1–4pm
All of this happens in Room 1, Thompson House, 4 Kent Street, Levin.

President: Bev Young
Vice-president: Tara Craig
Secretary: Judy Cann

Contact us at

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