Area Delegate: Catherine Jane
President: Jo Woolhouse
Minutes Secretary: Christine Sampson
Education: Wendy Gibbs
Librarian: Felicity Backhouse

ACF members meet at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 9.30 am every 3rd Monday of the month.
Visitors and non-members are welcome.
Craft Cluster meets at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 10.00am every 1st Monday of the month.

The guild rooms are open at 11 Tanner St, Woolston at the following times:
Monday: 10am–2 pm. Includes Middle Eastern Cut Weaving Group and mentored sessions for help with many techniques. $2 members, $5 non members. Evening spinning group from 7–9pm.
Tuesday: Weaving group from 4.30–8pm. Tuition available.
Saturday: 10am–2pm. Includes mentored sessions for help with many techniques between 10am and 11am. $2 members, $5 non members.
Contact Eleanor Patterson, Secretary – secretary@chchguild.org.nz 027 614 7471
Creative Fibre members and visitors are warmly welcomed to any of the above meetings.

Meetings: 10am–1pm. 2nd Monday at St Joseph’s Hall. Last Monday at the Darfield library.
Enquiries: contact Catherine 021 861 109
Malvern Spinners and Weavers can also be contacted through their Facebook page.

Group Leader: Johanna Gessler
Secretary: Annie Knight
Treasurer: Bev Parkes
Education: Andrea Holland
Meetings: 10am–2pm fortnightly on Wednesdays
If you wish to come along and join us for a spin and natter, please email Johanna Gessler

The Rangiora Woolcraft Group covers spinning, weaving, knitting, crotchet and felting. Tutorials are provided on new crafts such as dyeing, peg loom weaving, diagonal peg loom weaving, blending board and more!
New members and visitors are welcome.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Mondays, 12–4pm, Anglican Church Hall, Rangiora.

We are a group who get together monthly in Halswell Hall to spend the day felting. Felting is a wool craft and we make a wide variety of things from garments to vessels and artwork. We welcome new members and while we don’t run formal classes we can help you learn. Have a look at our website for more information. Contact southernfelters@gmail.com for more information.