
ACF members meet at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 9.30 am every 3rd Monday of the month.

Visitors and non-members are welcome.

Craft Cluster meets at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 10.00am every 1st Monday of the month.

President: Shona Schofield  M: 027 608 6452
Treasurer: Margaret Williamson  M: 027 464 9908

We meet each Monday at the Geraldine Vintage Machinery Hall, Talbot Street, Geraldine, from 10am–3pm. For more information contact Alison Hurley, 03 692 2777.


Meets at Waimate Town & Country, John Street, Waimate

10am–3pm, second Thursday of each month

Contact: Kathy Ryan, ryan.knandmd@gmail.com or 021 161 4611

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