

  • Monday:  9.30am-12.30pm
  • Wednesday:  7.00-9.00pm
  • Thursday:  9.30am-12.30pm

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 7–9pm


Meets on Wednesday mornings 9.30am–12pm, and 1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoons until about 3 pm.


We meet every Tuesday 9am–12pm
Spinning 2nd and 4th Saturday’s of the month

Weaving group 2nd Wednesday in the month, 1–4pm
All of this happens in Room 1, Thompson House, 4 Kent Street, Levin.

Contact us at levinspinnersandweavers@gmail.com


Meeting times: Tuesdays, 9:30am–12:00pm February to November.

onslowfibrecraftsguild@gmail.com (Treasurer)
ckpaj17@gmail.com (Secretary)

We love knitting, felting, spinning, weaving and many other fibre crafts. We meet to share skills and learn new ones.

Who we are and what we do: https://www.ofg.mozello.com
What we’ve done and created in the past: https://onslowfibrecraftsguild.wordpress.com


We are a friendly group who love to spin, knit, weave, felt, crochet, and dye with a wide range of natural fibres – wool, silk, alpaca – we love it all!

If you would like to become part of the amazing world of fibrecrafts, visit our Facebook page to see what’s going on in our group. We meet regularly to share ideas and skills, learn from one another, enjoy each other’s company, and visitors are always welcome.


Waikanae Spinners, knitters and crocheters meet on Monday mornings 9.30am–12pm, and Tuesday evenings 7.30–9.30pm.


We meet 1.30pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month, and 10am every 4th Friday.

For more details about our group contact Dawn Quinn


Meeting times are alternate Tuesdays (coincides with ‘super’ payment dates!) from 10.30am to 1.30pm.


Meetings are:

  • Every Wednesday 10am
  • First and third Tuesdays 7pm
  • First Saturday 10.30am
  • No meetings in January

Meets in the Island Bay Presbyterian Church lounge.

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