Contact Prue Stock or Veia Gleeson for information.

Area Delegates: Elizabeth Keighley

Area Delegate: Margaret Russell
Treasurer: Sandra Russell
The Bay of Plenty Creative Fibre area extends from Ohiwa Harbour near Opotiki, to Whakatane, and across to Rotorua, and up to the Tauranga area. Seven groups meet regularly, learning and sharing new skills. Teaching workshops are sometimes held. Interests of members cover a wide range including spinning, knitting, crochet, weaving, felting, embellishing, braiding etc. Several clubs exhibit on a regular basis and there is an Area exhibition biennially.

Area Delegate: Vicki Browne 027 477 8116
Treasurer: Alison Day
Admin: Cherry Estcourt
Committee: Kathy Mitchell, Meike Schmidt-Meiburg, Raewyn Gainsford, Charmian Stone.
The Waikato area has 13 groups spreading from the King Country to the top of Coromandel – Cambridge, Hakarimata (Ngaruawahia area), Hamilton, Matamata, Mercury Bay, Morrinsville, Taumaranui, Taupo, Te Awamutu, Te Kuiti, Thames, Waihi and Whangamata. Several groups have day and night meetings to accommodate their members.

Group specialises in felting at all skill levels and partakes in area and group projects as well as supporting member projects,with the occasional formal class or speaker. All enquiries welcome.
Contact us at

Group covers all fibre interests – spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, felting including needle felting. Encourages member projects along with their group and area projects, willing helpers on hand for all beginners or those wishing to relearn a fibre craft. All skill levels are welcome.

This group covers spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, and felting. All skill levels are welcome.

Group specialises in weaving as well as spinning, knitting, crochet, tapestry weaving, and felting. All things fibre related. Has a stash room available on meeting days for people to invest in their own stash requirements. This group also holds its own exhibition once every two years as well as an open day on the alternate year.
Please check their website for group meetings.

This group is hugely into spinning, knitting, weaving, crochet and felting. So many talented folks willing to share their knowledge with all and welcomes newcomers at any skill level. This group supports its members’ projects with show-and-tell at each meeting, and participates in groups and area projects.

With an abundance of talent within, this group does everything fibre, from spinning, tapestry weaving, weaving, felting, knitting, crochet. This group is very community orientated and makes items for the local charities, as well as participating in Area and Group projects. All newcomers of every skill level are most welcome.

An amazingly joyful bunch of fibre folk, creating all things fibre-orientated with spinning, knitting, weaving, crochet skills at hand. They also participate in national, area and group activities, including two local A & P shows, where they demonstrate and teach their skills to the public. This group is one of two evening groups in South Auckland, held in a large and lovely private home. Email us for further details.

A large group with a huge heart, fortunate to have their own rooms and to have a weaving loom set up full time for beginners and members to use. Other activities range from spinning, knitting, felting, crochet and more. Age range from uni students to young at heart with a fountain of knowledge to share. They even encourage dyeing. All newcomers are most welcome.

This community-orientated group enjoy the crafts of spinning, dyeing, felting, weaving, knitting, crochet and anything new. They are enormously talented folk, willing to share their knowledge with their community and who welcome all newcomers.

Group Leader: Frances Stevens
Tuesdays (fortnightly)
From 16 January 2024: 10am–2pm
Waiuku Yacht Club, Sandspit Reserve, Waiuku
Saturdays (fortnightly)
From 20 January 2024: 10am–4pm
A weaving focused group but all are welcome.
Otaua Bowling Club, 36 Maioro Road, Waiuku
Monday Evenings (fortnightly)
7-9pm. Held in members’ homes – please email us for info.

Meets every Thursday, 9.30am–12.30pm
St Andrews Church, Dee Street, Mt Maunganui
Each month:
1st Thursday: Business Meeting
2nd Thursday: General
3rd Thursday: Weaving, crochet, felting, knitting, embellishing, etc
4th Thursday: General
Contact Mt Maunganui Creative Fibre.

Day meetings: 10am–1pm, Omokoroa Settlers Hall, Omokoroa. 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday each month.
Night meetings: 7pm–9pm, St Paul’s Church Hall, Katikati. 2nd Tuesday each month.
For further information contact Frances Kelly 021 473 212

We are a friendly group who welcome visitors and new members of every skill level. We enjoy spinning, knitting, crochet, weaving (including flax), felting, dyeing and ancient fibre crafts. There are willing helpers if you want to learn or improve a skill, and mini workshops are often held. Many members support local charities by making items for them.
Every Monday, 9.30am to approx. 1–2pm.
2nd and 4th Thursdays 6.30pm
Contact Tauranga Creative Fibre for more information.

Contact: Margaret Cairns
If you are wanting to attend the Saturday meeting, please check with us first that it is on. Thank you.

We have workshops, a library, equipment to borrow and a friendly atmosphere.
Meets each Tuesday and the first Saturday of the month at St James Church, 82 Nixon Street, Hamilton, 9.30am–1pm
Contact Shirley email: 07 856 8555

We are an active group, young and old. Our members spin, knit, weave, chat and laugh during the meetings.
Contact Diane Williamson for information.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month to share knowledge and skill with humour and friendship. We have a mix of ages, and range from beginner to skilled spinners, knitters, felters and dyers.
Contact Deb Briscoe or Jo Bowman for further information.