
Back Room, Baptist Church, Teasdale Street, Te Awamutu. All meetings.

1st and 3rd Tuesday 10am–2pm – All disciplines
2nd Tuesday 6.30–9pm – Weaving
4th Thursday 6.30–9pm – All disciplines

Coordinator   Kathy Mitchell
Phone 021 108 5333

Group Leader: Frances Stevens
Email: waiukucreativefibre@gmail.com

Tuesdays (fortnightly)
From 16 January 2024: 10am–2pm
Waiuku Yacht Club, Sandspit Reserve, Waiuku

Saturdays (fortnightly)
From 20 January 2024: 10am–4pm
A weaving focused group but all are welcome.
Otaua Bowling Club, 36 Maioro Road, Waiuku

Monday Evenings (fortnightly)
7-9pm. Held in members’ homes – please email us for info. 


Meets every Thursday, 9.30am–12.30pm

St Andrews Church, Dee Street, Mt Maunganui

Each month:
1st Thursday: Business Meeting
2nd Thursday: General
3rd Thursday: Weaving, crochet, felting, knitting, embellishing, etc
4th Thursday: General

Contact Mt Maunganui Creative Fibre.



Day meetings: 10am–1pm, Omokoroa Settlers Hall, Omokoroa. 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday each month.

Night meetings: 7pm–9pm, St Paul’s Church Hall, Katikati. 2nd Tuesday each month.

For further information contact Frances Kelly 021 473 212


Visitors are always welcome. We have varied programmes of mini-workshops, guest speakers, and outings. We are a lively and friendly group, happy to share our skills with all comers, whether it is spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, crocheting, felting, or something else.

Every Thursday, Vintage Car Club, Neil Hunt Park, Tarawera Road, 9.30am-1pm
Evening meetings: Tuesday, 6:30-9pm

Contact Rotorua Creative Fibre.


We are a friendly group who welcome visitors and new members of every skill level. We enjoy spinning, knitting, crochet, weaving (including flax), felting, dyeing and ancient fibre crafts. There are willing helpers if you want to learn or improve a skill, and mini workshops are often held. Many members support local charities by making items for them.

Every Monday, 9.30am to approx. 1–2pm.
2nd and 4th Thursdays 6.30pm

Contact Tauranga Creative Fibre for more information.


President: Kushla Haenen

Enquiries: please email Heather Childerhouse tepukecreativefibre@gmail.com or phone Kushla on 027 363 6424



Contact: Margaret Cairns

If you are wanting to attend the Saturday meeting, please check with us first that it is on. Thank you.


We have workshops, a library, equipment to borrow and a friendly atmosphere.

Meets each Tuesday and the first Saturday of the month at St James Church, 82 Nixon Street, Hamilton, 9.30am–1pm

Contact Shirley email: tasandshirley.scott@gmail.com 07 856 8555


We are an active group, young and old. Our members spin, knit, weave, chat and laugh during the meetings.

Contact Diane Williamson for information.


This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month to share knowledge and skill with humour and friendship. We have a mix of ages, and range from beginner to skilled spinners, knitters, felters and dyers.

Contact Deb Briscoe or Jo Bowman for further information.


President: Joanne Murphy. Email murphyjo31154@gmail.com or phone 07 895 6994

021 104 9707021 104 9707

This group meets to share spinning, weaving, felting, fibre dying and anything else anyone can think of that is fibre-related. If you’re interested in attending, please phone Sue first, as we sometimes meet in different places.

Contact Sue Sands for more information.


We meet on the 4th Monday of each month, 9.30am–2.00pm. We are a friendly group willing to share our knowledge.  Teaching workshops are held occasionally. The interests of members cover a wide range including spinning, knitting, crochet, weaving, felting, embellishing. A comprehensive library is available to members.

Contact Barbara Nudds 027 351 8226 or Kath Mason 021 263 0455


We meet every Thursday 9am–12pm.

For further information contact us at waihispinning@gmail.com


We meet at the Pukekohe East Hall:
Every Wednesday 9.30am–1pm
Every Monday 7–9pm

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