Gail Thompson 021 146 0176
Pauline Richmond (Treasurer) 027 472 9446

Area Delegate: Marilyn Velvin
Secretary: Maggie Atkins
Taranaki Creative Fibre is part of a nationwide group of individuals similarly interested in fibrecrafts such as spinning, weaving, dyeing, felting, knitting and crochet. The Taranaki area covers from Urenui in the north to Waverley in the south. Area meetings (guild days) are held four times a year at various locations around Taranaki. The benefits of being a member include:
- Automatic affiliation to Creative Fibre.
- You receive the Creative Fibre magazine four times a year with updates on events around the country.
- You are able to attend classes run and subsidised by Creative Fibre Taranaki, attend national workshops, and undertake self directed learning courses.
- Summer and winter weekend retreats.
- Availability of books and DVDs from the Taranaki Area library and National Resource library.
- Attend the annual national festival and exhibition and enter the biennial Taranaki exhibition.

Our group is interested in all things fibre related. We meet twice a week from February to early December. In January we have home visits to socialise and craft. Our members are encouraged to take part in learning new skills and techniques.
Secretary: Hester van Ouden
Or email Loretta Gully Phone 022 170 1958 or 06 343 8759

New Plymouth Creative Fibre (incorporating North Taranaki Weavers)
Contact: Janet Hainsworth 06 753 2668

Contact: Maree Liddington 027 777 3473

Contact: Maree Liddington 027 777 3473 or 06 764 5221

Contact: Shirlene Paterson 027 766 0418