
10.00am-2.00pm, 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month

Venue: Old School Building, Collins Park, Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe


10.00am to 2.00pm, every second Thursday of the month
Whangaparoa Library, 9 Main St, Whangaparoa

This groups specialises in fibre fun in spinning, weaving (all forms), knitting, crocheting, felting, with all levels of skill, promotes member projects with show and tell at each meeting, partakes in Group and Area projects and well as supporting the Helensville A & P Show each year with demonstrations of their various craft skills. All enquiries welcome.


Group specialises in weaving as well as spinning, knitting, crochet, tapestry weaving, and felting. All things fibre related. Has a stash room available on meeting days for people to invest in their own stash requirements. This group also holds its own exhibition once every two years as well as an open day on the alternate year.

Please check their website for group meetings.


Group Leader: Frances Stevens

Tuesdays (fortnightly)
From 16 January 2024: 10am–2pm
Waiuku Yacht Club, Sandspit Reserve, Waiuku

Saturdays (fortnightly)
From 20 January 2024: 10am–4pm
A weaving focused group but all are welcome.
Otaua Bowling Club, 36 Maioro Road, Waiuku

Monday Evenings (fortnightly)
7-9pm. Held in members’ homes – please email us for info. 


Day meetings: 10am–1pm, Omokoroa Settlers Hall, Omokoroa. 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday each month.

Night meetings: 7pm–9pm, St Paul’s Church Hall, Katikati. 2nd Tuesday each month.

For further information contact Frances Kelly 021 473 212

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