Visitors are always welcome. We have varied programmes of mini-workshops, guest speakers, and outings. We are a lively and friendly group, happy to share our skills with all comers, whether it is spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, crocheting, felting, or something else.
Every Thursday, Vintage Car Club, Neil Hunt Park, Tarawera Road, 9.30am-1pm
Evening meetings: Tuesday, 6:30-9pm
Contact Rotorua Creative Fibre.

We are a friendly group who welcome visitors and new members of every skill level. We enjoy spinning, knitting, crochet, weaving (including flax), felting, dyeing and ancient fibre crafts. There are willing helpers if you want to learn or improve a skill, and mini workshops are often held. Many members support local charities by making items for them.
Every Monday, 9.30am to approx. 1–2pm.
2nd and 4th Thursdays 6.30pm
Contact Tauranga Creative Fibre for more information.

ACF members meet at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 9.30 am every 3rd Monday of the month.
Visitors and non-members are welcome.
Craft Cluster meets at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 10.00am every 1st Monday of the month.

The guild rooms are open at 11 Tanner St, Woolston at the following times:
Monday: 10am–2 pm. Includes Middle Eastern Cut Weaving Group and mentored sessions for help with many techniques. $2 members, $5 non members. Evening spinning group from 7–9pm.
Tuesday: Weaving group from 4.30–8pm. Tuition available.
Saturday: 10am–2pm. Includes mentored sessions for help with many techniques between 10am and 11am. $2 members, $5 non members.
Contact Eleanor Patterson, Secretary – secretary@chchguild.org.nz 027 614 7471
Creative Fibre members and visitors are warmly welcomed to any of the above meetings.

Meetings: 10am–1pm. 2nd Monday at St Joseph’s Hall. Last Monday at the Darfield library.
Enquiries: contact Catherine 021 861 109
Malvern Spinners and Weavers can also be contacted through their Facebook page.

Group Leader: Johanna Gessler
Secretary: Annie Knight
Treasurer: Bev Parkes
Education: Andrea Holland
Meetings: 10am–2pm fortnightly on Wednesdays
If you wish to come along and join us for a spin and natter, please email Johanna Gessler

Keirunga Gardens, 6 Puflett Road, Havelock North
Thurs 10am–12.30pm and Night Owls (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)

Spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, dyeing, felting, promoting woolcraft.
Meets: Dannevirke Spinning and Weaving Club Inc., Craft Cottage, 30 McPhee St, Dannevirke
10am–2pm every Friday
Weaving has resumed every Wednesday 10am-1pm. Suitable for those wanting to learn the skill of loom weaving.
President: Warwick Clayton
Secretary: Marian Holdaway
Treasurer: Kathryn Mulinder
Visit us on Facebook.
Contact us at dvkcraftcottage@hotmail.com

Our friendly meetings promote interest in all fibre related handcrafts and encourage members to learn new skills through regular demonstrations, workshops, and discussion.
Mondays 9.30am–12pm
Thursdays 7.15pm–9.15pm
Second and fourth Friday’s of the month 10am–2pm
Enquiries, please contact presidentmswg@gmail.com
President: Lyn Watson
Secretary: Jenny Wilson

Meets 10am–1pm, second Tuesday of the month at the Mapua Community Hall.
The weaving interest group meets at the same time but in each other’s homes on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Contact Linda Millington, Convenor: mapuacf@gmail.com

Marlborough Creative Fibre Guild
We meet bi-monthly on the second Wednesday from February through to October, 10am–2pm.
The AGM is in November.
Beavertown Hall, Brayshaw Park
For more information contact President Betty Graham bettyg@xtra.co.nz
Marlborough Felters: 10am–2pm, 1st Thursday each month (except January). Bring your lunch. Phone Judith 021 022 7350.
Brayshaw Park Spinners and Knitters: 10am–2pm . Every Tuesday from 2nd week in January to 2nd week in December. Bring your lunch. Tea/coffee provided for morning tea and lunch. For further info contact Betty 03 579 4942 or Nancy 03 579 2980.
Marlborough Weavers: 10am–2pm, 3rd Monday each month (except December). Bring your lunch. Phone Anne 03 570 5547.

A group of Individual members meet every second Wednesday at 11.00 am. For more information contact Michelle on 027 606 9796.

We meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursdays of each month, at Birch Hall, Richmond Showgrounds.
As well as knowledgeable members in the crafts of knitting, spinning, weaving and felting who are willing to share their expertise, the group has an excellent library for members. Classes occur from time to time and speakers attend on a regular basis. We welcome visitors and new members.
Contact Sue 03 547 7084, or Julie 03 544 3872 or 027 227 1680

A group of Individual members meet each Thursday.
We meet every Thursday, 9.30 to 12.00 at the Anglican Church hall which can be accessed from either Commercial St or Motupipi St and we definitely welcome any new members or visitors to the area.
For further information contact Chris 0204 126 0191

Meet at Memorial Hall, Main Road every Wednesday 10am to approximately 2pm. Contact Janet j.moff@xtra.co.nz

Nelson Creative Fibre meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 9:30am to 11:30 am (usually) at the Nelson Golf Club Cafe, 38 Bolt Road, Tahunanui, Nelson.
For further information contact Yvonne 027 607 0050

Meets every Thursday, 10am-noon.
Contact Rosemary Burnby, 09 425 0504.

Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.
Contact: Marion Redfern 027 286 7662

Meets at Waimate Town & Country, John Street, Waimate
10am–3pm, second Thursday of each month
Contact: Kathy Ryan, ryan.knandmd@gmail.com or 021 161 4611