
Marlborough Creative Fibre Guild
We meet bi-monthly on the second Wednesday from February through to October, 10am–2pm.
The AGM is in November.
Beavertown Hall, Brayshaw Park

For more information contact President Betty Graham bettyg@xtra.co.nz

Marlborough Felters: 10am–2pm, 1st Thursday each month (except January). Bring your lunch. Phone Judith 021 022 7350.

Brayshaw Park Spinners and Knitters:
10am–2pm . Every Tuesday from 2nd week in January to 2nd week in December. Bring your lunch. Tea/coffee provided for morning tea and lunch. For further info contact Betty 03 579 4942 or Nancy 03 579 2980.

Marlborough Weavers:
10am–2pm, 3rd Monday each month (except December). Bring your lunch. Phone Anne 03 570 5547.