Area Delegate: PK Maracin
President: Anne Donovan
Secretary: Val Reggitt
Treasurer: Sarah Gamble
Education: Keri Smith
Postal address: PO Box 214, Mosgiel 9053

Spinning, Weaving, Dye days, Show and tell, Club projects.

This chatty vibrant group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 11am–3pm at the Community Hub, McDougal Street, Wanaka.
We welcome members and visitors to share time spinning, knitting, crochet, felting , needlework etc.
Weaving is taught in a member’s home and we have dyeing days there too.
We emphasise we are not just a knitting group, so whether you are a beginner or an expert working with anything fibre related, please come and join us.
We have all the equipment you need to get started.

Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month in members’ homes
Contact: Barbara Taylor derrill.barbara@xtra.co.nz