Workshop Evaluation – Organiser Name of tutor* Name of organiser* Workshop title* Venue name and location* Was it a local group workshop, area, travelling tutor, or national event?* Number of participants* Date/s of workshop* Please rate from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent):HiddenCommunications with the tutor*Communications with the tutor* 1 2 3 4 5 Communications with National Liaison (for Travelling Tutors)*Communications with National Liaison (for Travelling Tutors)* 1 2 3 4 5 NA Were evaluation forms handed out to participants and the tutor>* Yes No Or were participants and the tutor directed to online evaluation forms?* Yes No In your view, was the workshop successful and enjoyable?* In your view, were expectations and learning outcomes met?* Any further comments or suggestions: Δ