By Jenny Hart
Almost invisible increases. Excellent for shaping, such as darts.
- Right sloping: Knit 2 sts, pick up the top of the loop of the next stitch below and knit it.
- Left sloping: Knit to the last 2 sts, pick up the top of the loop of the stitch below the last st you have just knit, and knit it.
- Purl back.
Raised Loop Increase
- Knit 2 sts. Pick up the thread between two sts, put the loop on the LH needle and knit into the back of stitch.
- Knit to the last 2 stitches. Pick up thread before the next stitch, put the loop on the LH needle and knit into the back of the stitch.
- Purl back.
Thumb Increase
- Knit 2 sts, make a loop with your thumb and place the loop onto the LH needle.
- Knit to within the last 2 stitches of the end of the row, make a loop with your thumb and place the loop onto the LH needle.
- Knit or purl the made st on the next row, depending on your pattern.

Decreases are much more visible in knitted fabric than increases. Most of the decrease methods are for left sloping decreases. Knit 2 together is the only real option for a right sloping decrease. ‘Fully Fashioned’ is the delightfully old fashioned term used for the decreases used two stitchess in from the beginning and end of a row.
Knit 2 together (tog)
- Knit 2 sts, K2 tog through the front of the loo
- Knit to within 4 stitches of the end of the row.
- K2 tog through the back of the loops (left sloping – but stitch twisted).
- Purl next row.
SSK – slip, slip, knit
Neat, left sloping to match k2tog through front of st
- K2 sts. slip 2 sts, one by one, knit-wise, onto the RH needle
- Put the LH needle through the front of these loops from left to right and knit together. (This is the same as K2 tog through the back of the loops).
- Knit to the last 4 stitches, K2 together, knit to the end of the row.
(S1K1) psso or SKPO
- Knit 2 sts, slip next stitch knit-wise, knit the next stitch.
- With the LH needle tip, lift the slipped stitch over the last stitch knitted and off the needle.
- Knit to within the last 4 stitches, K2 tog, knit to the end of the row.
This decrease slopes neatly to the left but can be uneven if you’re not careful with your stitch tension.