10.00am to 2.00pm, every second Thursday of the month
Whangaparoa Library, 9 Main St, Whangaparoa
This groups specialises in fibre fun in spinning, weaving (all forms), knitting, crocheting, felting, with all levels of skill, promotes member projects with show and tell at each meeting, partakes in Group and Area projects and well as supporting the Helensville A & P Show each year with demonstrations of their various craft skills. All enquiries welcome.

7.00pm–9.00pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Browns Bay Community Centre, Rothesay Room, Glen Road, Browns Bay
This is a cosy group of folk ranging from high school age to the young at heart, working in all things fibre, from spinning, weaving, felting, knitting, crocheting and handstitching. There are wonderful teachers amongst this group, for anyone wishing to learn or relearn a new fibre skill. All welcome to come along.

Contact: Margaret Cairns
If you are wanting to attend the Saturday meeting, please check with us first that it is on. Thank you.

The guild rooms are open at 11 Tanner St, Woolston at the following times:
Monday: 10am–2 pm. Includes Middle Eastern Cut Weaving Group and mentored sessions for help with many techniques. $2 members, $5 non members. Evening spinning group from 7–9pm.
Tuesday: Weaving group from 4.30–8pm. Tuition available.
Saturday: 10am–2pm. Includes mentored sessions for help with many techniques between 10am and 11am. $2 members, $5 non members.
Contact Eleanor Patterson, Secretary – secretary@chchguild.org.nz 027 614 7471
Creative Fibre members and visitors are warmly welcomed to any of the above meetings.

Hastings Library, lounge area mezzanine floor, 201 Eastbourne Street
Meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, 1:30–3:30pm

We have workshops, a library, equipment to borrow and a friendly atmosphere.
Meets each Tuesday and the first Saturday of the month at St James Church, 82 Nixon Street, Hamilton, 9.30am–1pm
Contact Shirley email: tasandshirley.scott@gmail.com 07 856 8555

Our group is interested in all things fibre related. We meet twice a week from February to early December. In January we have home visits to socialise and craft. Our members are encouraged to take part in learning new skills and techniques.
Secretary: Hester van Ouden
Or email Loretta Gully Phone 022 170 1958 or 06 343 8759

Contact: Maree Liddington 027 777 3473 or 06 764 5221

Keirunga Gardens, 6 Puflett Road, Havelock North
Thurs 10am–12.30pm and Night Owls (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)

Spinning, Weaving, Dye days, Show and tell, Club projects.

Spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, dyeing, felting, promoting woolcraft.
Meets: Dannevirke Spinning and Weaving Club Inc., Craft Cottage, 30 McPhee St, Dannevirke
10am–2pm every Friday
Weaving has resumed every Wednesday 10am-1pm. Suitable for those wanting to learn the skill of loom weaving.
President: Warwick Clayton
Secretary: Marian Holdaway
Treasurer: Kathryn Mulinder
Visit us on Facebook.
Contact us at dvkcraftcottage@hotmail.com

Group covers all fibre interests – spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, felting including needle felting. Encourages member projects along with their group and area projects, willing helpers on hand for all beginners or those wishing to relearn a fibre craft. All skill levels are welcome.

As well as knowledgeable members in the crafts of spinning and weaving who are willing to share their expertise, the club has an excellent library, and equipment for hire. Classes occur from time to time, and speakers attend the monthly meetings.

Visitors are very welcome. Open to anyone, beginners and experienced who are interested in the crafts of spinning fibre to yarn, including paper, flax or other. Knitting, crochet, weaving, dyeing, braiding and shibori. A friendly supportive group, we welcome new members young and old.

This group covers spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, and felting. All skill levels are welcome.

Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month
Presbyterian Church hall, 76 Balaclava St, Wyndham
Contact: Raewyn Leitch 03 206 4913

Meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.
Contact: Lynda Grieve

Weekly get-togethers, following members’ interests and shared projects, covering spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, felting – both wet and needle.
President: Vicki Connor 027 304 2109
Secretary: Sue Smorti 027 224 0671

Meets Tuesdays 11am–1pm
Whare Taupua, 34 Forth Street, Invercargill
Contact: Mary Grant, Facilitator, 027 678 5621

We meet on Tuesdays 10.00am – 2.00pm for general activities, spinning, knitting, dyeing (sometimes) and general chit chat, in our own club rooms situated just outside of Foxton township.
Every Wednesday we have a weaving day where we work on our own projects or maybe a club project.
We also have a small felting group that meets on the second Thursday of the month at 10.00am.
Meets: Foxton Town & Country Spinners & Weavers, 204 Foxton-Shannon Road
Group Leader: Eunice Tyler