Meets from Easter to Labour Weekend, Thursdays 7.30 pm at the Te Anau Medical Centre
Contact: Gwen Chaloner 027 414 7513 or

Area Delegate: Amy Hughes
President: Daphne Proctor
Secretary: Sally Munson
Treasurer: Michelle Wood

Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month
Presbyterian Church hall, 76 Balaclava St, Wyndham
Contact: Raewyn Leitch 03 206 4913

Meets Tuesdays 11am–1pm
Whare Taupua, 34 Forth Street, Invercargill
Contact: Mary Grant, Facilitator, 027 678 5621

Meets every 2nd and last Tuesday of the month
10am–2.30pm (day), 7pm–9 pm (night)
Bury St, A&P showgrounds, Gate 1, Woodworkers Building
Contact: The Secretary at

Meets last Monday evening of the month in members’ homes
Contact: Dawn Molloy, 027 483 3118

Meets last Thursday of the month in members’ homes
Contact: Lyla Sherriff, 03 226 6187

Meets 1st Monday of the month in members’ homes
Contact: Janette Buckingham, 03 246 8499

Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month in members’ homes
Contact: Barbara Taylor

Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Scout Den, Erskine Street, Tuatapere
Contact: Ann Sutherland, email