
10.00am-2.00pm, 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month

Venue: Old School Building, Collins Park, Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe


Group specialises in felting at all skill levels and partakes in area and group projects as well as supporting member projects,with the occasional formal class or speaker. All enquiries welcome.

Contact us at


10.00am to 2.00pm, every second Thursday of the month
Whangaparoa Library, 9 Main St, Whangaparoa

This groups specialises in fibre fun in spinning, weaving (all forms), knitting, crocheting, felting, with all levels of skill, promotes member projects with show and tell at each meeting, partakes in Group and Area projects and well as supporting the Helensville A & P Show each year with demonstrations of their various craft skills. All enquiries welcome.


7.00pm–9.00pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Browns Bay Community Centre, Rothesay Room, Glen Road, Browns Bay

This is a cosy group of folk ranging from high school age to the young at heart, working in all things fibre, from spinning, weaving, felting, knitting, crocheting and handstitching. There are wonderful teachers amongst this group, for anyone wishing to learn or relearn a new fibre skill. All welcome to come along.



Group covers all fibre interests – spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, felting including needle felting. Encourages member projects along with their group and area projects, willing helpers on hand for all beginners or those wishing to relearn a fibre craft. All skill levels are welcome.


This group covers spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, and felting. All skill levels are welcome.


Group specialises in weaving as well as spinning, knitting, crochet, tapestry weaving, and felting. All things fibre related. Has a stash room available on meeting days for people to invest in their own stash requirements. This group also holds its own exhibition once every two years as well as an open day on the alternate year.

Please check their website for group meetings.


This group is hugely into spinning, knitting, weaving, crochet and felting. So many talented folks willing to share their knowledge with all and welcomes newcomers at any skill level. This group supports its members’ projects with show-and-tell at each meeting, and participates in groups and area projects.


A very talented group of folk who participate in many national and area exhibitions, they support all fibre-focused crafts, including spinning, knitting, crochet, and weaving.


With an abundance of talent within, this group does everything fibre, from spinning, tapestry weaving, weaving, felting, knitting, crochet.  This group is very community orientated and makes items for the local charities, as well as participating in Area and Group projects. All newcomers of every skill level are most welcome.


An amazingly joyful bunch of fibre folk, creating all things fibre-orientated with spinning, knitting, weaving, crochet skills at hand. They also participate in national, area and group activities, including two local A & P shows, where they demonstrate and teach their skills to the public. This group is one of two evening groups in South Auckland, held in a large and lovely private home. Email us for further details.


A large group with a huge heart, fortunate to have their own rooms and to have a weaving loom set up full time for beginners and members to use. Other activities range from spinning, knitting, felting, crochet and more. Age range from uni students to young at heart with a fountain of knowledge to share. They even encourage dyeing. All newcomers are most welcome.


This community-orientated group enjoy the crafts of spinning, dyeing, felting, weaving, knitting, crochet and anything new. They are enormously talented folk, willing to share their knowledge with their community and who welcome all newcomers.


Group Leader: Frances Stevens

Tuesdays (fortnightly)
From 16 January 2024: 10am–2pm
Waiuku Yacht Club, Sandspit Reserve, Waiuku

Saturdays (fortnightly)
From 20 January 2024: 10am–4pm
A weaving focused group but all are welcome.
Otaua Bowling Club, 36 Maioro Road, Waiuku

Monday Evenings (fortnightly)
7-9pm. Held in members’ homes – please email us for info. 


Meets every Thursday, 10am-noon.

Contact Rosemary Burnby, 09 425 0504.


We are a group of mainly weavers. We welcome new members.

4th Tuesday of the month
11.00am–1.00pm, February–May
10.00am–12.00pm, June to November

Pohutukawa Rooms, Whangaparoa Library



We meet at the Pukekohe East Hall:
Every Wednesday 9.30am–1pm
Every Monday 7–9pm

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