
Ohiwa Creative Fibre meets from 10am-2pm at the Opotiki Masonic Lodge on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from February through to November.

We are a friendly group of like-minded people who welcome visitors or new members. We enjoy spinning, weaving, flax weaving, knitting, crochet, felting and learning any new or old crafts.

Contact Ohiwa Creative Fibre.

1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10am-2pm

Meets every Thursday, 9.30am–12.30pm

St Andrews Church, Dee Street, Mt Maunganui

Each month:
1st Thursday: Business Meeting
2nd Thursday: General
3rd Thursday: Weaving, crochet, felting, knitting, embellishing, etc
4th Thursday: General

Contact Mt Maunganui Creative Fibre.



Visitors are always welcome. We have varied programmes of mini-workshops, guest speakers, and outings. We are a lively and friendly group, happy to share our skills with all comers, whether it is spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing, crocheting, felting, or something else.

Every Thursday, Vintage Car Club, Neil Hunt Park, Tarawera Road, 9.30am-1pm
Evening meetings: Tuesday, 6:30-9pm

Contact Rotorua Creative Fibre.


We are a friendly group who welcome visitors and new members of every skill level. We enjoy spinning, knitting, crochet, weaving (including flax), felting, dyeing and ancient fibre crafts. There are willing helpers if you want to learn or improve a skill, and mini workshops are often held. Many members support local charities by making items for them.

Every Monday, 9.30am to approx. 1–2pm.
2nd and 4th Thursdays 6.30pm

Contact Tauranga Creative Fibre for more information.


President: Kushla Haenen

Enquiries: please email Heather Childerhouse tepukecreativefibre@gmail.com or phone Kushla on 027 363 6424



All crafts associated with fibre including spinning, weaving, felting, knitting and crochet.

Contact Whakatane Fibre Crafters Club.

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Meets: Tuesday 9–11.30am
Venue: Village Green Bowling Club, Ormond Rd, Gisborne
Contact: Dale Smith 06 867 5083

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Meets: 9am–1pm, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
Venue: Mangapapa Residents’ Hall, Ormond Rd, Gisborne
Contact: Sharon Johnston 027 230 2247

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