Area Delegate: Denise Brown
Secretary: Jenny Wilson
Treasurer: Lyn Watson

Our group is interested in all things fibre related. We meet twice a week from February to early December. In January we have home visits to socialise and craft. Our members are encouraged to take part in learning new skills and techniques.
Secretary: Hester van Ouden
Or email Loretta Gully Phone 022 170 1958 or 06 343 8759

Spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, dyeing, felting, promoting woolcraft.
Meets: Dannevirke Spinning and Weaving Club Inc., Craft Cottage, 30 McPhee St, Dannevirke
10am–2pm every Friday
Weaving has resumed every Wednesday 10am-1pm. Suitable for those wanting to learn the skill of loom weaving.
President: Warwick Clayton
Secretary: Marian Holdaway
Treasurer: Kathryn Mulinder
Visit us on Facebook.
Contact us at dvkcraftcottage@hotmail.com

Weekly get-togethers, following members’ interests and shared projects, covering spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, felting – both wet and needle.
President: Vicki Connor 027 304 2109
Secretary: Sue Smorti 027 224 0671

We meet on Tuesdays 10.00am – 2.00pm for general activities, spinning, knitting, dyeing (sometimes) and general chit chat, in our own club rooms situated just outside of Foxton township.
Every Wednesday we have a weaving day where we work on our own projects or maybe a club project.
We also have a small felting group that meets on the second Thursday of the month at 10.00am.
Meets: Foxton Town & Country Spinners & Weavers, 204 Foxton-Shannon Road
Group Leader: Eunice Tyler

Our friendly meetings promote interest in all fibre related handcrafts and encourage members to learn new skills through regular demonstrations, workshops, and discussion.
Mondays 9.30am–12pm
Thursdays 7.15pm–9.15pm
Second and fourth Friday’s of the month 10am–2pm
Enquiries, please contact presidentmswg@gmail.com
President: Lyn Watson
Secretary: Jenny Wilson

We meet 10.00am–2.00pm on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Thursdays each month at Bush Community Centre, Main Street, Pahiatua
Contact: Denise Brown 021 02300 245 kraftydenny@gmail.com

Activities include spinning, knitting and weaving.
Meets: Taihape Spinners, Taihape & District Women’s Club, Tui Street
Group Leader: Alison Duncan

This club is spinning only.
Tuesday meetings: Woodville Country Spinners, Anglican Church Hall, Fox Street, Woodville
Wednesday meetings: Inspire Fibres, Vogel St, Woodville
Group leaders: Joy Cumming, Susan Barber, Tracy White