
ACF members meet at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 9.30 am every 3rd Monday of the month.

Visitors and non-members are welcome.

Craft Cluster meets at The Plains Railway Museum, Moronan Road, Tinwald. at 10.00am every 1st Monday of the month.

President: Shona Schofield  M: 027 608 6452
Treasurer: Margaret Williamson  M: 027 464 9908

Meets at Waimate Town & Country, John Street, Waimate

10am–3pm, second Thursday of each month

Contact: Kathy Ryan, ryan.knandmd@gmail.com or 021 161 4611


We meet each Monday at the Geraldine Vintage Machinery Hall, Talbot Street, Geraldine, from 10am–3pm. For more information contact Alison Hurley, 03 692 2777.

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