Area Delegate: Paulla-Jean Pridham 027 499 1818
Secretary: Mandy Coleman 021 292 2060
Treasurer: Lee Collins

A group of Individual members meet each Thursday.
We meet every Thursday, 9.30 to 12.00 at the Anglican Church hall which can be accessed from either Commercial St or Motupipi St and we definitely welcome any new members or visitors to the area.
For further information contact Chris 0204 126 0191

Meets 10am–1pm, second Tuesday of the month at the Mapua Community Hall.
The weaving interest group meets at the same time but in each other’s homes on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Contact Linda Millington, Convenor: mapuacf@gmail.com

Marlborough Creative Fibre Guild
We meet bi-monthly on the second Wednesday from February through to October, 10am–2pm.
The AGM is in November.
Beavertown Hall, Brayshaw Park
For more information contact President Betty Graham bettyg@xtra.co.nz
Marlborough Felters: 10am–2pm, 1st Thursday each month (except January). Bring your lunch. Phone Judith 021 022 7350.
Brayshaw Park Spinners and Knitters: 10am–2pm . Every Tuesday from 2nd week in January to 2nd week in December. Bring your lunch. Tea/coffee provided for morning tea and lunch. For further info contact Betty 03 579 4942 or Nancy 03 579 2980.
Marlborough Weavers: 10am–2pm, 3rd Monday each month (except December). Bring your lunch. Phone Anne 03 570 5547.

A group of Individual members meet every second Wednesday at 11.00 am. For more information contact Michelle on 027 606 9796.

Nelson Creative Fibre meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 9:30am to 11:30 am (usually) at the Nelson Golf Club Cafe, 38 Bolt Road, Tahunanui, Nelson.
For further information contact Yvonne 027 607 0050

We meet on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursdays of each month, at Birch Hall, Richmond Showgrounds.
As well as knowledgeable members in the crafts of knitting, spinning, weaving and felting who are willing to share their expertise, the group has an excellent library for members. Classes occur from time to time and speakers attend on a regular basis. We welcome visitors and new members.
Contact Sue 03 547 7084, or Julie 03 544 3872 or 027 227 1680

Meet at Memorial Hall, Main Road every Wednesday 10am to approximately 2pm. Contact Janet j.moff@xtra.co.nz

Westport Woolcrafters began life as a spinning group in the 1960s. We now have members knowledgeable in the crafts of spinning, knitting, crochet, dyeing, felting and flax weaving who are more than happy to share their expertise and passions.We also have an excellent library and equipment for loan to members and we run specific interest workshops regularly. We warmly welcome all visitors and new members.
We meet Wednesdays 10.30am-2.30pm at the Club Buller library – Russell Street entrance.
You can contact us by emailing Mandy Coleman.